Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why India?

     The question defining the week I've spent in India so far has been "Why are you here, in India?" It seems that every time the question arises the answer changes. Am I here to study film, to learn about Indian cinema from an Indian perspective, to supplement my learning of American and global cinema from a Western, albeit, critical lens? Or am here because India is a democratic rising world superpower, a place of diversity and vibrancy, and is currently experiencing the excitement of the rise of a people's party during an election period? Am I here to engage a culture and people different from any I've ever experienced, with the hopes of gaining an understanding of some sort of myself and of both Indian and American society? Or am I here because other people in my life have encouraged and pushed me to be here? Or because I wanted to travel and a study abroad opportunity knocked on my door and proved to be a once in a lifetime chance to study in India at a low cost and during a perfect time in my personal development? The answer lies somewhere in between all of those answers.
      For now, new, positive, thought provoking, uncertain, interesting, challenging, engaging experiences occupy my mind, body, and heart; and so to all those who ever find themselves faced with either question "Why do you want to go to India?" or "Why are you here in India?" I would say, allow a thoughtful, fluid, open mind and response to guide you.

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